I did my fair share of partying all week, but I was continually reminded that the best party of Burning Man is Friday Night. So when I woke up of Friday morning and saw that the winds have died down, the skies were clear, and dust storms have become nothing more than cushion for my tent, I was ready to confront the day. I didn't want to do too much strenuous activities today, but I knew that I had to serve our open bar later on today for our neighborhood block party. Chris and I spend the afternoon hanging out at Center Camp observing and immersing ourselves in the environment. I began to notice that the Center Camp was a lot more crowded now, the population has definitely doubled and I could sense the energy of the place slowly churning. I tried to find Julie to see if I can get another henna tattoo, but I had no luck there was simply too many people walking around.
When we started our bar, we were back in business. The liquors we served really helped to bring our neighbors closer together. It also forced our camp to associate and mingle more with the masses. We served so many drinks that it was quickly becoming apparent that the bar was a big success, and it was so wonderful to see everyone's face light up with joy whenever they tasted a drink; most of the drinks they had in the playa were were pretty watered down, so they were suprised when they were given drunks that had some punch to it.
As the sun set again behind the black mountains, the collective yell from the community was a lot louder. I was getting excited. I had already done a lot of writing throughout the week, but I hadn't felt inspired yet; and that was troubling me. There was this kind of eerie silence throughout the BRC between 8 to 10 while we were all getting ready for the night's festivities. We all planned to meet up and hang out at Club Lush. This was a club that we had visited all week but they weren't quiet complete until tonight. There were also rampant rumors that Paul Oakenfold was going to play, but everyone reminded me that it was also False Hopes Friday. i didn't really decide to drop until I learned that D:Fuse was playing at Opulent Temple of Venus next to Club Lush. We visited other clubs around Disorient but I knew i wanted to anchor myself in one club tonight, I didn't want walk around, I've done that all week.
Chris and I got to Club Lush and we found a seat in the middle of a carpeted lounge area with a rushing water fountain next to it. This whole structure was a beautiful palace. After a while I managed to end up in a couch next to the water fountain. I sat next to Nikky and her boyfriend. We became quick friends. The night was just picking up some visuals and inspired sets made their way inside my head. Then it happened...
I was scribbling things in my little sketch book, when I finally noticed that Nikky and her boyfriend had left. At last I was alone to finally grasp at the fleeting inspiration that had been slipping between my fingers all night. Just as the night slowly reached its peak, this tall lady with gentle eyes, dark wistful hair, and kind countenance stood next to me. For whatever reason, I felt inspired to invite her to join me in my couch, and she shyly grinned and joined me. I don't know if it was either the cold desert air or the myriad of drugs, but I felt instantly connected. All week people had been talking about "getting it", how one just philosophically gets an understanding about the world and finds peace and solace in it. I had met a lot of random people that week, but for some reason this stranger sitting next to me has tappped into something illicitly primal and wonderful within me.
She sat down next to me, I put my arms around her; and it all seemed natural and perfect. As the desert began to grow icicles, we kept our tight embrace, she gave her best to keep me warm, and I gave her as much as I had left to give. We didn't speak to each other much, we were just simply huddle in our little corner of the universe at Club Lush. Everyone around us had simply disappeared, and I felt deeply and intimately connected. Perhaps at that moment and that place in this universe I felt divinely inspired. I was teeming with life, passion, and beauty. I had never felt so alive. And as the night was slowly creeping back behind the horizon, she wanted to go back to her camp.
She was staying at Sedna, and we took the long route to Sedna, the tenth planet of our solar system. I remember her bike, it was very beautiful, she had a basket with a whole bunch of beanie babies behind it, the only one I could specifically remember was that she had a Scooby Doo beanie baby. As we walked back, I felt inspired to sing to her. "Look at the stars, look how they shine for you..." It seemed so appropriate at the time. I sang a couple of more songs for her, "Suddenly Seymour" from Little Shop of Horrors, and "Something's Coming" from Westside Story. I wondered if she thought I was crazy. I also remembered that she asked me to hold on to her jacket pocket as we were walking back so that our connection wouldn't be disrupted.
So we made our long trek around Sedna. At a certain point of our long way back, she began to feel a little aweful, so she sat down in the middle of the road and began to meditate. I sat in front of her and joined her. I closed my eyes, and thought about the peace and solitude that was brewing inside me. After a few moments we both opened our eyes, and we looked at each other. Our eyes met, and we just seemed to find comfort and peace in that moment. She peeked inside my soul, and I didn't feel threatened or vulnerable. We just sat there legs crossed, eyes affixed to each other, and smiling. I felt intimately close to her.
Then as we continued our journey back to her camp, the sun made its way up against the grizzled hills of the Black Rock Mountain. This was the first sunrise I had seen in a long time. And it was so overwhelming to see this yellow disc slowly crawl up from the horizon with the black rolling mountains anchoring its movement on the foreground, and balanced by the golden desert plains. It was gallant. It was uncanny. We were both easily swallowed up by its beauty. We stopped in the middle of the road, I dropped her bike. And we stood there, hypnotized by this awesome moment. I placed my arms around her, and held her, no word exchanged. It was a sunrise that I will never forget.
Once we were able to gather ourselves we finally made it to our camp, and I left her. We hugged and kissed each other goodbye. We made no promises to see each other again, but I was hoping that our paths with cross again. I made my way back to our camp. I passed by everyone as they were heading back to their tents. When I got back into my tent, I tried to close my eyes and go to bed, but I couldn't. I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. I was inspired, I was alive. I grabbed my iPod and notepad, and walked down to the playa and wrote this visceral poem:
To the woman with gentle eyes,
and warm countenance,
when it comes to your charms
I will not hesitate
and I will not blame you.
When I walked back from the far reaches of your realms,
winding my way through dusty foreign roads alone,
as the desert sands waved and waned,
wiping off all its crust on my surface,
as the dead return to their graves,
and the living rise to chase the sun,
I won't blame you,
Instead I will remember the sunrise.
I will remember the long embrace.
I will remember the kisses.
Our lips ripe with passion,
and how you gave me everything you had
and how I offered you all that I had left.
I will remember the feel of you.
The subtle rhythm of your body.
The floating symphony of your laughter.
Your bike
Your clothes
Your boots
Our sofa
Our solitude
Our bodies spilled together like broken jars,
with tiny flickering filaments sparkling above us.
Your leg my leg
Your arm my arm
Your eyes my eyes
Your smile and your warmth.
You are the first kiss and you are the last kiss.
To the woman with gentle eyes,
and warm countenance,
you have no dagger.
The dagger is mine, and I won't use it.
I had to watch the jewelry tent for the entire day, so I couldn't go out and share this poem with her. I'm not even sure of what to think of what had happened between us; all I knew was that I wanted to share something I had written with someone who helped me give birth to this sequence of creativity. I couldn't sleep all day. Once my duty at watching the jewelry tent was done, I made my way back out to Sedna, but my memory was failing me, I couldn't locate her camp anymore. I asked a few people, but they couldn't help me. I was hoping that she would stop by my camp, but she didn't. She left no trace.
Perhaps its how these things end; this is how people get immortalized in our memories. Perhaps our paths were intended to only cross at that particular juncture, at that specific time and place. Who knows? But I am thankful for the experience.
Whether by accident or intent, I was determined to fast. Since I hadn't had any sleep, I decided I might not as well eat either. So I spent the whole day hydrating myself for the Burn.