I never realized how hard writing my second book was going to be. I am officially two years behind in getting this project done. Getting published for the first time around was more or less an accident, I'll admit that, but now there is expectation, now there are deadlines, and now I got people breathing on the back of my neck. I sit down, and I feel focused. I feel determined. I feel inspired, but the stories and that come out on the computer screen simply don't add up to what I want to reflect. There are moments where I feel this intensity, and I write pages and pages of amazing stuff, but after a while that energy sputters out and it doesn't maintain itself. There are times where I feel like I am being buried in quicksand, the more I move the faster I get buried by this avalance of earth. The expectations are all mine, I don't feel like I have to impress anybody or anyone. My editor is satisfied with my journey, but obviously wants this all to end.
Which leads me here... Where am I? I know I have enough in my notebooks to finish my book, but how come I don't feel like its complete. There is something missing. What is missing? The past three years of my life have been incredible, tragic, and inspirational, and yet how do I piece these experiences together cohesively. I have a writer's block. I know that. I've had a writers block for months. I need to shake myself up.
I want to tell a story about transgression. Pushing the limits of one's body and mind. I want to challenge the perceptions of nature and technology. I want to write about desperation, what happens to intrinsically to us when we become desperate, and when if everything is lost, how we piece ourselves back together again.
I've been playing around the title of the book, and I like the concept of "dust" somewhere along. The closest working title I have so far is "From Dust". I like the biblical analogy to it, and it connotates a return to our roots. And the stories and poems in the book all revolve around that concept.
I never realized how hard writing my second book was going to be. I am officially two years behind in getting this project done. Getting published for the first time around was more or less an accident, I'll admit that, but now there is expectation, now there are deadlines, and now I got people breathing on the back of my neck. I sit down, and I feel focused. I feel determined. I feel inspired, but the stories and that come out on the computer screen simply don't add up to what I want to reflect. There are moments where I feel this intensity, and I write pages and pages of amazing stuff, but after a while that energy sputters out and it doesn't maintain itself. There are times where I feel like I am being buried in quicksand, the more I move the faster I get buried by this avalance of earth. The expectations are all mine, I don't feel like I have to impress anybody or anyone. My editor is satisfied with my journey, but obviously wants this all to end.
Which leads me here... Where am I? I know I have enough in my notebooks to finish my book, but how come I don't feel like its complete. There is something missing. What is missing? The past three years of my life have been incredible, tragic, and inspirational, and yet how do I piece these experiences together cohesively. I have a writer's block. I know that. I've had a writers block for months. I need to shake myself up.
I want to tell a story about transgression. Pushing the limits of one's body and mind. I want to challenge the perceptions of nature and technology. I want to write about desperation, what happens to intrinsically to us when we become desperate, and when if everything is lost, how we piece ourselves back together again.
I've been playing around the title of the book, and I like the concept of "dust" somewhere along. The closest working title I have so far is "From Dust". I like the biblical analogy to it, and it connotates a return to our roots. And the stories and poems in the book all revolve around that concept.