It has been six years since Fiona Apple released her last album (When The Pawn...), and after changing producers, leaked MP3's and other conspiracy theories, Apple returns with a vengeance. After hearing her original takes with producer Jon Brion, I wasn't impressed with the original version of Extraordinary Machine, but with the release of re-recorded version (produced by Mike Elizondo), I am glad she she switched producers. The original version of Extraordinary Machine sounded too much like I was in a carnival, it was too playful, and it lacked the intensity that Apple projects in her music. The new version is a much more powerful emotional whirlwhind. It's amazing how slight beat changes and progressions can change the music so much. Basically the lyrics and the beats are all the same, but the construction of each song is so completely different. This is an album worth waiting for, so take a bite and dig in.
MY DEATH WILL CONSIST OF...My death will consist of a murder or a car crash, perhaps something exciting like cancer, but I'm never that lucky to always get what I want. I just had a root canal, when they numbed my gums, I felt like one of those people who survived a stroke. I went to get a Vanilla Ice Blended at the Coffee Bean afterwards and I was drooling all over the place because my lips couldn't keep in all the juice. I love the Coffee Bean, it feels like a coffee place, and I feel like I am in some exotic Pacific Island when I am inside. I just got the latest Death Cab For Cutie CD, it rocks, but I'm not emo. How come you have to be emo to listen to Death Cab?? I hate that. I don't know why I have so many issues with being labeled of emo, perhaps its because it makes me think of all those snot nosed skater kids, and I can't stand to believe that they're listening to DCFC and not Blink-182 or Green Day, or perhaps its just because I hate labels.