- It is perfectly accepted practice for anyone to carry a conversation with themselves.
- Whereas in L.A. you have weed through all the beautiful women to find someone intelligent and interesting, in the Bay Area you have to weed through a lot of intelligent and interesting women to find someone beautiful.
- Nobody refers to San Francisco as "San Fran" or "SF", it is simply called "The City".
- The nightlife is a little disappointing here.
- "Where is the middle class black man in The City?"
- Seafood is delicious and expensive.
- Why is there a GAP on the corner of Haight and Ashbury?
- H&M is an amazing place.
- For a city that prides itself in it's progressiveness, the gap between the rich and poor are very distinct and blatant.
- This is not a city to raise a family in...
- Isn't this city supposed to be the epicenter of the hippie movement, so how come there are way too many yuppies walking around?
- SFers love to think that they are so much better than their brothers down south, that's really funny...
- Why is North Face considered a trendy designer label here???
- OK, I have to admit SBC Park is one of the most beautiful stadiums I have seen.
- There is very little police presence in the Bay Area.

- It is perfectly accepted practice for anyone to carry a conversation with themselves.
- Whereas in L.A. you have weed through all the beautiful women to find someone intelligent and interesting, in the Bay Area you have to weed through a lot of intelligent and interesting women to find someone beautiful.
- Nobody refers to San Francisco as "San Fran" or "SF", it is simply called "The City".
- The nightlife is a little disappointing here.
- "Where is the middle class black man in The City?"
- Seafood is delicious and expensive.
- Why is there a GAP on the corner of Haight and Ashbury?
- H&M is an amazing place.
- For a city that prides itself in it's progressiveness, the gap between the rich and poor are very distinct and blatant.
- This is not a city to raise a family in...
- Isn't this city supposed to be the epicenter of the hippie movement, so how come there are way too many yuppies walking around?
- SFers love to think that they are so much better than their brothers down south, that's really funny...
- Why is North Face considered a trendy designer label here???
- OK, I have to admit SBC Park is one of the most beautiful stadiums I have seen.
- There is very little police presence in the Bay Area.